'sga'에 해당되는 글 1건

Oracle Session별 Memory 사용량 확인

set lines 200 pages 200

set pagesize 66

set pause on

set verify off

set feed off

clear screen


column sid heading 'sid' format 999

column username heading 'username' format a8

column pgm heading 'program' format a25

column terminal heading 'terminal' format a8

column pga heading 'PGA session memory' format a11

column uga heading 'UGA session memory' format a11

column pga_sum heading 'SUM PGA mem' format a12

column uga_sum heading 'SUM UGA mem' format a12

column pga_max heading 'Max PGA session memory' format a15

column uga_max heading 'Max UGA session memory' format a15

column pga_m_sum heading 'Sum Max PGA session memory' format a11

column uga_m_sum heading 'Sum Max UGA session memory' format a11


spool sess.txt


ttitle '**********< Program Global Area >**********'

ttitle '1. Current pga, uga session memory'


select a.sid, a.username, substr(a.program, 1, 25) as pgm, a.terminal,

max(decode(c.name, 'session pga memory', trunc(value/1000)||'K', 0)) pga,

max(decode(c.name, 'session uga memory', trunc(value/1000)||'K', 0)) uga

from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c

where a.sid = b.sid

and b.statistic# = c.statistic#

and c.name like 'session%'

group by a.sid, a.username, substr(a.program, 1, 25), a.terminal;



ttitle '2. Sum of current pga, uga session memory'


select 'Current PGA, UGA session memory SUM:' as sum,

sum(decode(c.name, 'session pga memory', trunc(value/1000),0))||'K' pga_sum,

sum(decode(c.name, 'session uga memory', trunc(value/1000),0))||'K' uga_sum

from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c

where a.sid = b.sid

and b.statistic# = c.statistic#

and c.name like 'session%';



ttitle '3. Max(peak) pga, pga session memory'


select a.sid, a.username, substr(a.program, 1, 25) as pgm, a.terminal,

max(decode(c.name, 'session pga memory max', trunc(value/1000)||'K', 0)) pga_max,

max(decode(c.name, 'session uga memory max', trunc(value/1000)||'K', 0)) uga_max

from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c

where a.sid = b.sid

and b.statistic# = c.statistic#

and c.name like 'session%'

group by a.sid, a.username, substr(a.program, 1, 25), a.terminal;



ttitle '4. Sum of max(peak) pga, uga session memory'


select 'Max(peak) PGA, UGA session memory SUM:' as sum,

sum(decode(c.name, 'session pga memory max', trunc(value/1000), 0))||'K' pga_m_sum,

sum(decode(c.name, 'session uga memory max', trunc(value/1000), 0))||'K' uga_m_sum

from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c

where a.sid = b.sid

and b.statistic# = c.statistic#

and c.name like 'session%';


spool off


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