'Corrupt Data Recovery'에 해당되는 글 1건

Corrupt Data Found During RMAN Backup Troubleshoot


1. 이슈사항

  • RMAN Full BACKUP을 수행 할 때, 특정 TBS에서 Block Corrupt 현상이 발견되는 상태
  • 운영 시에는 Block Corrupt현상이 없으며 RMAN FULL BACKUP이 수행되는 새벽시간에만 해당 에러가 발생되고 있는 상태
  • 현재 ASM Disk의 경우에 3중(HIGH)으로 Mirroring 되어 있는 상태

ORA-27061: waiting for async I/Os failed

Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error

Additional information: -1

Additional information: 4194304

WARNING: Read Failed. group:1 disk:4 AU:626 offset:0 size:4194304

WARNING: failed to read mirror side 1 of virtual extent 1977 logical extent 0 of file 261 in group [1.103449180] from disk DATA_0004 allocation unit 626 reason error; if possible, will try another mirror side

NOTE: successfully read mirror side 2 of virtual extent 1977 logical extent 1 of file 261 in group [1.103449180] from disk HDD_E0_S01_975274559P1 allocation unit 4776

Tue Apr 28 03:10:41 2015

Hex dump of (file 4, block 1028608) in trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/SID/SID1/trace/SID1_ora_21436.trc

Corrupt block relative dba: 0x010fb200 (file 4, block 1028608)

Completely zero block found during backing up datafile

Trying mirror side HDD_E1_S06_1135637411P1.

Reread of blocknum=1028608, file=+DATA/datafile/undotbs2.261.794895089. found same corrupt data

Reread of blocknum=1028608, file=+DATA/datafile/undotbs2.261.794895089. found valid data

Hex dump of (file 4, block 1028609) in trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/SID/SID1/trace/SID_ora_21436.trc

Corrupt block relative dba: 0x010fb201 (file 4, block 1028609)

Completely zero block found during backing up datafile



Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00800201 (file 2, block 513)

Bad header found during backing up datafile

Data in bad block:

 type: 1 format: 2 rdba: 0x00003102

 last change scn: 0xb408.00000003 seq: 0x8 flg: 0x01

 spare1: 0x8 spare2: 0x1 spare3: 0x0

 consistency value in tail: 0x00000000

 check value in block header: 0x9

 block checksum disabled

ksfdrfms:Mirror Read file=+DATA/wind/datafile/sysaux.257.797856311 fob=0x3cb15a548 bufp=0x7f1f74501000 blkno=513 nbytes=8192

ksfdrfms: Read success from mirror side=1 logical extent number=0 disk=DATA_0002 path=/dev/asmdisks/oracle_ocr02p1

Mirror I/O done from ASM disk /dev/asmdisks/oracle_ocr02p1 

Trying mirror side DATA_0002.

Reread of blocknum=513, file=+DATA/wind/datafile/sysaux.257.797856311. found same corrupt data

ksfdrnms:Mirror Read file=+DATA/wind/datafile/sysaux.257.797856311 fob=0x3cb15a548 bufp=0x7f1f74501000 nbytes=8192

ksfdrnms: Read success from mirror side=2 logical extent number=1 disk=DATA_0003 path=/dev/asmdisks/oracle_recovery01p1

Mirror I/O done from ASM disk /dev/asmdisks/oracle_recovery01p1 

Reread of blocknum=513, file=+DATA/wind/datafile/sysaux.257.797856311. found valid data


2. 원인 분석

  • Corrupt Data Found During RMAN Backup (문서 ID 1610350.1) 오라클 공식 문서 참조


3. 분석 내용

  • RMAN Full Backup이 수행 될 때에 Corrupt Data를 확인하여 Alert log에 보여주는 것으로 판단되며 현재 3중으로

    Mirroring되어 있어 운영에는 큰 영향이 없는 상태(정상적인 Block을 확인하여 백업 진행)

  • 해당 되는 TBS를 확인하여 복구작업을 진행해야 함.


4. 해결

  • 공식 문서에 수행해야 하는 절차가 상세하게 나와있다.
  • Full Backup 후에 DB를 내리고 Mount 상태에서 복구를 진행하면 된다.

1) Take a full backup of the database and archivelogs

2) Shutdown the database and startup mount the database

3) Restore and recovery as follows:


RMAN > run


allocate channel c1 type disk;

allocate channel c2 type disk;

allocate channel c3 type disk;

allocate channel c4 type disk;

restore datafile < list all the affected files separated by commas >;

recover database;

sql 'alter database open';



Item 1 this will backup the database if the block is corrupt on the primary side RMAN will get the good block from the mirror. So once you have a good backup restoring the datafile will restore with good blocks. 


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