'리눅스 상태 출력'에 해당되는 글 1건

OS(리눅스) 5초단위로 서버 및 DB 상태 출력 스크립트

1. OS VMSTAT 5초단위로 상태 출력

while true



cpu=`/usr/bin/vmstat 1 2 | sed 1,3d | awk '{u=100-$15;printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",u,$1,$3,$4,$9,$10,$13,$14)}'`

wasmq=`netstat -na | grep EST | grep | wc -l`

echo "$cpu" "$wasmq"

sleep 5


2. DB Session 5초 단위로 상태 출력

while true; do

sh /oracle/test/mon.sh

sleep 5


1) mon.sh

col sid for 9999

col waiting_on for a75

col serial# for 999999

col prg for a13

col OraPid for 9999

col command for a10

col aa Heading "DB-User" for a8

col bb Heading "OS-Pid" for a9


set pau off

select s.sid SID,s.serial#,



        '1','Create Tab',





        '9','Create Idx',

        '10','Drop Idx',

        '15','Alter Tbl',

        '24','Create Proc',

        '32','Create Link',

        '33','Drop Link',

        '36','Create RBS',

        '37','Alter RBS',

        '38','Drop RBS',

        '40','Alter TBS',

        '41','Drop TBS',

        '42','Alter Sess',


        '47','PL/SQL Exe',

        '62','Anal Table',

        '63','Anal Index',

        '85','Truncate') Command,

 substr(s.program, 1, 13) prg,

p.spid bb,


rtrim(w.event) || ': ' ||

rtrim(w.p1text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(w.p1) || ',' ||

rtrim(w.p2text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(w.p2) || ',' ||

rtrim(w.p3text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(w.p3),1,75) as waiting_on

from v$process p, v$session s, v$session_wait w


-- w.wait_time=0

w.sid = s.sid

and s.paddr = p.addr

and w.event not like '%pmon timer%'

and w.event not like '%rdbms ipc%'

and w.event not like '%smon timer%'

and w.event not like '%SQL*Net%'

and w.event not like '%lock manager wait for%'

and w.event not like '%slave wait%'

and w.event not like '%io done%'

and w.event not like '%pipe get%'

and w.event not like '%Streams AQ%'

order by 6,1


블로그 이미지


IT와 함께 살아가는 삶
